Monday, July 21, 2008


Sorry guys.. for the lack of updates.

Been doing this 'one man show' for a project in my company....had no time for myself, for my family, for food, for everything...sheeshhh!!

This morning, had an idiotic call from this A fella..."Hi Miss Samantha, please expedite bla bla bla bla...". Oh well, i didn't pay much attention to his nags....all i heard was expedite documents, confirmation date....and the rest of it, i regard his voice as birds chirpping...bad me...kekekeke

But hey....there's a reason why i named this post idiot.....because i'm an idiot. Seriously...why am i sacrificing so much for my company...knowing that i'm not appreciated afterall....HELLLO BOSSS...I"M NOT SUPERWOMAN K!!!

My family doesn't understand me...why do i need to be so hardworking...why can't i just slacken the whole working progress and let my company succumb to the critics by the clients......

So what do you think? Working 730am-730pm, MOn - Fri and 830am-5pm on Saturdays....without claims...without assistant...WITH ONLY PEANUT SALARY!

Anyone hiring a project engineer?

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