Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My First

Elo elo!

A little bout myself. A short gal with a lovely family & BB, who has the passion for baking and baking and baking....well sometimes cooking...mm kay...and has an ultimate soft spot for buns and cookies.

Conversation #1

me : b, can we go in this bakery?
Bb : ha? bread again ar?

Conversation #2

me : ma, please buy bread on your way home
mom : Bread? At home still got ma...
me : At home 1 is bun, now i want bread...as in Gardenia bread
mom : sot 1 la u

Conversation #3

me : Ooh b, let's go Jusco pleasee
[After 30 minutes in the cookies section]
Bb : Oi g, choose 1 and pay k...it's all the same..
me : No, this is Digestive biscuit, and this is chocolate chip cookies...aih...i want all of them

yes....i can be pretty crazy over cookies and buns and breads....and if i think i'm overconsumed of breads, buns and cookies, i can starve for a day and resume my binge eating on cookies and buns again...haha...i'm one siao cha bo

Stuff my mouth with buns and cookies, i'll be the eeeeeeeeeepiest gal on earth ;>

Hope you guys out there will enjoy reading my nonsense as well as salivate over the food i bake and cook in future!!....kekekekek (ceh perasan betul)

Till then....ciaozzz

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