Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Ooomph For the Constipated Days

Ever since i had a drastic change of weight, my body system has somehow 'given up' hope on me. I am always feeling cold and my mood swings are even worse than the weather. Haha! (thx bb for being patient with me). I'm lucky to have a lot of family members and friends who showered me with endless care and concern. During my 'weak' period, i am introduced to many types of food supplements and nourishing soup to restore back my body system. I'm pleased to announced that I am now feeling much much better and healthier.


My digestive system remains at the poor stage. Many of us suffer constipation in silence....i mean who-lah will rip off their dignity and practically brag about his/her not-so-smooth-toilet moments to the public. Despite having consumed vast amount of food supplements and fruits, something in my body system that will just resist me from visiting the toilet. However, few weeks ago, i discovered my very own disgestive theraphy. To date, this theraphy stays effective on me. Give this a try, might works well on you during your constipated days :)

1. Make a cup of Nescafe first thing in the morning. Leave it to cool to room temperature (about half an hour). Drink it on empty stomach.

2. Have a slice of wheat bread loaded with bananas after the coffee.

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